Saturday, April 26, 2014

Who's Looking Out for You Baby?

Have you ever had the experience where you felt like YOU had to come up with the answers to your health condition? Where you had to problem-solve and do all the research because, basically, your doctor just handed you a prescription and said, "see you in 3 months?" I don't know about you, but I find that totally frustrating. My doctor said to me once "stay off the internet." That is usually where I do all my investigating. I learned recently that I had a stomach hernia.  But that was all I was told. Non of my doctors said anything more. They didn't tell me how to care for it, what to do and what not to do. Whether or not it would grow or what symptoms to look for if it were to be getting worse. Ironically, a week or so after that diagnosis, someone from Medicare called me and asked if I needed any health information. So, I asked them about the hernia. They sent me a printout with interesting information about things I should and should not do such as eating small meals, sleeping with my head elevated and drinking lots of water. Information is out there and we don't always get it from our healthcare team. So, what I'm saying is, don't always take what you are not given and walk away. Either tell your doctor you are not leaving until you get the information you need and want or look to other sources to find it. Though make sure where you are getting it is reliable. I figure the Medicare doctor knew what she was talking about and I could trust that information.

Be an advocate for yourself! Speak up, as my mother used to say. Know your choices and don't settle for less!

In health and peace,

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